Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I've spent the majority of the week in Arkadelphia preparing for New Student Retreat. From spending an entire day setting up Walker Conference Center for the legendary "purple & gold party" to helping house students for the weekend, this has been a pretty long week for the steering committee. But more than all the work and stressful moments that have happened thus far, I've been able to realize what a blessing it is to be a part of the Ouachita family.

To look back a year ago at this time and see how much personal growth has occurred for me is almost staggering. That growth has required a lot of pain, long nights, pulling it together when it's not, and some dark moments. But there has also been a fair share of triumph and joy associated with it. I'm thankful for the way the Lord has chosen to develop me, and grateful He placed me at a place like OBU for it to occur. I'm convinced it really is a place like none other. It never feels like I'm 'away from home' when at school. You can find me sitting in a professor's office talking, having homegroup at the dean's home, dinner at an admissions counselors' house, and many other places. I describe it like that only to say that these people are friends to me before they are whatever their specific title may be. How cool is that? The faculty & staff of Ouachita are what make it such a special place. Always willing to open their homes and lives' to students, as well as invest their time in each and every one of them. If I had to describe Ouachita in one word, it would most definitely be 'genuine.'

I'm very excited for all the new Tigers to be arriving here tomorrow. I can't believe that was already a year ago for me and my friends, but I know that this next step in their lives' will offer a time of great growth, through successes and trials, and I look forward to seeing the transformation the Lord will make in each and every student here.

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